Monday, 19 March 2007

Breaking the Chains

Marking the 200th Anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade

25 March 2007, 6pm
St John’s Church, Princes Street

On the 25 March this year, it will be two hundred years since the Abolition Bill to end the British slave trade was passed. To mark this day, St John’s church on Princes Street will be hosting a civic commemoration, open to everyone. Reverend Ewan Aitken (City of Edinburgh Council) will be introducing the event with performances from Roy Bailey, David Ferrard and Karine Polwart, school soloists and choral music with a rendition of the ‘Amazing Grace’ hymn that was written by ex-slave ship owner, John Newton. There will also be a minute of silence to remember the ongoing slavery in the world two hundred years on.

For other events in this programme, please see

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