Monday, 2 April 2007

Holy Week at St Mark's

Monday 2 April 7pm
Film - The Mysteries

Tuesday 3 April 7.30pm
Compline by candlelight
8pm Confessions

Wednesday 4 April 7.30pm
Compline by candlelight
8pm Confessions

Maundy Thursday
10am Eucharist (John Love)
11.30am Chrism Mass at the Cathedral
7.30pm Agape meal, footwashing, stripping of the altars and Watch at the Altar of Repose

Good Friday
10am Walk of witness begins at St Philip's
12noon - 3pm Stations of the Cross and meditations on the Cross
7.30pm Service of Nails

Holy Saturday
9am Prayers at the Cross
preparation of the Church
8pm Easter Vigil, baptism and confirmation by Bishop Brian

Easter Sunday
7am Fire on the beach
8.30am Eucharist
10.30am Sung Eucharist of the Resurrection

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