Sunday, 5 August 2007

Diary dates for week beginning 5 August 2007

Mon 6 August 4-10pm Philomusica will be using the church

Thu 9 August 10am Eucharist - +Alan Smithson
7.30pm Cursillo Stations of the Cross at St Michael & All Saints

Fri 10 August 6.30-10pm Philomusica will be using the church

Sun 12 August 8.30am and 10.30am services - +Alan Smithson
2-5pm Philomusica will be using the church

Mon 13 August 7-10pm Philomusica will be using the church

Wed 15 August 7-10pm Philomusica will be using the church

Thu 16 August 10am Eucharist +Alan Smithson

Sat 18 August 10am Church cleaning
7.30pm Cursillo Welcome Home party at Penicuik

Sun 19 August 8.30am and 10.30am services - the Rev'd Bob Gould

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